CEMS Systems Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA)
Calibration Gas Audits (CGA)

for Emissions Monitoring for Regulatory Compliance + Process Performance

Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) confirm that data from a Continuous Emissions Monitor(CEM) system is in agreement with corresponding EPA Reference Method test results. As new emissions regulations are mandated, maintaining verified emission data is an ongoing regulatory process.

Parameters monitored in a RATA can include:

  • Oxygen (O2)
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
  • Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
  • Stack Gas Velocity
  • Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate
  • Stack Gas Temperature
  • Stack Gas Pressure

A minimum of nine tests (and up to a maximum of twelve tests) are performed to validate CEM system performance. AMP-Cherokee compares stack test data to the CEM system to verify accuracy. All test data is released to the customer at the end of the test day. A full report will follow thereafter for submission to state or federal authorities.

Cylinder Gas Audits
must be conducted in three of four calendar quarters, but in no more than three quarters in succession. A CGA applies to gaseous pollutant or diluent CEMS and is not intended to audit other types of monitors associated with CEMS such as flow or temperature monitors. A CGA is conducted by challenging the CEMS (both pollutant and diluent portions of the CEMS, if applicable) with an audit gas.